Monday, April 5, 2010


HAPPY MONDAY to YA!!! Well I am not so sure its smart to start the week of with Finances, but there maybe some people that LOVE them! Today... my budget friendly serenipity is $1 coffee. Caribou Coffee says Mondays Happy so they bless us with cheaper coffee. I can justify not making my own on Mondays, plus its something to look forward to :)

Hope you all had a GREAT EASTER!!! He is RISEN! Yeh!

Thursday, April 1, 2010


FRIENDS FRIENDS FRIENDS... tonight its a mix of family and friends! Fun will sure to follow. All the boys are GONE! So we decided to have some Good Girl Family Fun! We are making PIZZA and having a early Easter Egg Hunt! I am CRAVING tofu and butternut squash and wondering what that would be like on pizza? Maybe forgo the tomato sauce add some olive oil, arugala, and GOAT cheese.

I think making your own pizza party really brings out personalities of people! It will be interesting to see what everyone comes up with! We are all SOOO different but yet we LOVE eachother and have lots of fun together! It works! That is a key MAIN INGREDIENT to friendships... you dont have to be the same person! This is not high school where everyone dresses the same and dies there hair to match! NOT FUN...its FAKE!!!! Friendship is authentic and real! The MAIN INGREDIENTS change and compliment eachother... just like my pizza ingredients... they are odd different and always changing... but the flavors oh the lovely flavors. They will compliment eachother nicely and I am craving them! Just like we all CRAVE FRIENDS!!! They are MAIN IGREDIENT OF LIFE