Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Change of Plans

What started as an attempt to be the a wonderful wife... prepared, helpful, foodie, loving, and all that a wife should do to help her husband leave town free of stress...

Ended in a melt down on the kitchen floor at eight o'clock at night

Do you ever have plans like that goes this way? It seems that when I thaw meat out and want to cook a great meal for some reason plans change or when we plan to go out and end up staying in there is no food to be eaten.

Plans in my life are always changing and which sometimes makes me feel like I am failing and cant get anything right. My husband always explains I have higher expectations in my head then anyone else. This is true but the even more blaring truth is, plans change!

Luckily we have a never changing GOD Yaweh He is who He is and never changes!

I am sure Glad because the ingeredients to my life change daily. Whether its just dinner plans or much bigger plans!

Whatever your plan is give it up to the Lord the unchanging God and allow him to let it roll!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

National Love your Body Day

In Honor of National Love your Body Day www.loveyourbody.nowfoundation.org

Loving your body this day and age can be one of the most difficult things for a women to do. Why is it such a hard task? Great question! If I new the answer I would probably be making lots of money and I wouldnt have days that I look in the mirror thinking oh I wish I could change (fill in the blank) about myself!

I have learned that on those days we can do a few things to improve our image of ourself and to help us LOVE the Body we were given!

The first thing is ridding our minds of the lies we begin to believe about ourselves. Lies creep in day in and day out, as we compare ourselves to others and as Satan likes to place them in our heads. In order to kick out the lies and replace them with the Truth we have to know the truth!

Here are some truths I am certain of:

1. I are fearfully and wonderfully made in Christ image
2. I am uniquely made to be special and different from anyone else
3. I can identify a list of 5 things we like about myself and why? example: I have legs full of muscle to help me run... even if I want them smaller I can focus on the postive.
4. Fat is a feeling
5. The feeling of not liking my body, I have most likely felt before and it comes and goes. The truth is that my body is no different then yesterday.
6. I am a woman with hormones that play into all the lies, feelings, and fluxuations I have!

Take heart in the list of truths I have found and find your own truths... start by making a list of the things you do love about your body!

6. There are many people that love me and the way I look

Monday, October 11, 2010

Life without a faucet

Life without a kitchen sink faucet and dishwasher + no furniture = Crazy! To say the least!

Well that sums up my life right now. quite the challenge for a food loving, clean kitchen, budget contious person! So I find myself just trying to laugh about it and be creative.

Hubs and I could eat out for the next two weeks which would mean some damage on our budget and most likely our waste line!

Our solution is the bathroom sink and the refridgerator water! Dinner lastnight was a success! PTL we have a working oven and cook top!

So in the world of food... we ate pretty gourmet last night rosemary roasted chicken with mashed cauliflower and baked cinnamon apples! DELISH!!!

Since I am trying not to eat much meat... I subbed the chicken for some shredded wheat (OK, I now not as gourmet but deffinitly budget concious (got the entire box for 89c. THANK YOU target clarence)

Off to coffee with one of my besties! Kelli! Stay tuned for Hubs and I fitness challenge... it will be unrolled tomorrow!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

No more MOO MOO

Good Eats...

I seriously had the best lunch today! I was surrounded by some of my most FAVORITE PEOPLE!!!

My Pops was having nose surgery of some sort... to clear his airways, but I like to say he was getting a nose job! Haha! So we gathered in the waiting room and feasted while he was under the knife! Sorry Dad you missed out!

We had salads from my favorite deli in town! Shout out to Palmer's Deli: www.palmersdeliandmarket.com/ ... Although it is my favorite deli, I must say the experience was very hectic this time. The combination of a "to go" order and the noon hour rush was not a good idea. My salad had peas (SICK) instead of beets (YUMMY) on it... Hubs salad had the same confusion... Oh well! Even with the wrong ingredients, it's still yummy.

My sister (one of my favorite peeps) was excited to have feta cheese on her salad after refraining from it the whole time she was pregnant, but it's a short lived treat and once again she can't have dairy since her nursing son is having a reaction to it... Poor Weston!

She will miss her morning "wake me up" of cereal, with lots of milk. Poor Sissy!

So the VitaMix to the rescue... I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE! our VitaMix! (Hubs uses it every morning for his smoothie breakfast!)

Anyway... I am going to make some RICE milk and OAT milk for sissy tonight!

I will post the recipes just as soon as I perfect them.
We also talked about natural protein powders for the VM... any suggestions?

PS... making your own oat milk/ rice milk will save $$ YAY YAY

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


I love food, I enjoy making it, eating it, experiencing it, seeing it, smelling it... the list goes on. But this love can become very expensive!

How do you save money when it comes to food? whether is Grocery shopping or Dinning out?

Hubs and I find that we have to Budget both areas. When it comes to eating out we view it as a treat and our entertainment! We love fine dinning and like to find gift card deals... like on restaurant.com or other deal websites.

I do all the grocery shopping in the house and really enjoy prepping food. So here are some of my money saving tips of the day.

1. I buy meat on sale and freeze it or plan our menu's around the deals of the week
2. Make your own... snack packs, granola bars, anything package... even alternative milks
3. Enjoy the process of hunting for the best deal.
4. Dont stick to one grocery store.

This morning was Oats as always and for lunch I had steamed vegi's, brown rice, edamame, and miso soup... with my momma... we have not had enough time together so it was great to catch up! I LOVE HER!


Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Trust is just a five letter word, easy to say, hard to act upon! Where do you put your trust?

First and foremost I put my trust in the Lord! With that trust in God, I truly believe he designed our bodies to know what we need and to trust how we are feeling. Do you trust God when it comes to losing weight? Gaining weight? Eating what is right for your body? Not eating something? Choosing Healthy food?

In America, it is especially hard to do trust in this way. We are surrounded by options good and bad. Good ones are often more expensive and take getting used to. But trust your body to know what is good for it. The more you the trust the easier it will be! Learn how your body works. How you feel after eating certain foods (Good or Bad) Learn how you feel during your cycle when you are bloated and when you are feeling good. Learn when you are reaching for food out of emotion and when you reach out of Hunger.

For me I know if I eat too much salt or onions at lunch I feel sluggish the rest of the afternoon and often crave sugar. If I eat fruit and yogurt for lunch I stay awake in the afternoon and usually have a afternoon snack so I am not starved when I get home.

I have learned to start my day off with OATMEAL, because I will feel satisfied and full for hours, where if I have a smoothie it leaves me hungry in an hour or so...the exact opposite happens to my hubs. He has a smoothie every morning and cant stand the thought of Oats. Every body is made differently. Learn yours! Some need carbs, some need fat, some need meat... each person is different!

Trust your body because God created it exactly how it should be and you can learn and will learn with patience and practice what it needs and when it needs it.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Weight Loss without WORRY

Good Morning! Happy FRIDAY! It is beautiful out and I am wearing jeans and a light sweater! LOVE IT!!! Bring on Fall, but maybe stop before winter! Side note: I am not a fan of winter!

To continue on the theme of food and weight...

How do you loose weight with out worrying about it? It is a great question that is hard to answer and even harder to practice. My go to answer is in the book of Matthew

Do Not Worry

25"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? 26Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?

Great scripture that I believe we can apply to weight loss and our own body image. Not worrying doesn't mean not carrying.... we are also called to take care of our bodies. with that I am not suggesting eat what ever when ever you want...

So today I am aiming to follow what Matthew 6 says...

On to the "not worry" food choice!

1/2 banana with some PB

1/4c oats
tbsp Protein Powder
tsp PB

Later Apple and taking a friend lunch!

Then off to the Lake with Hubs to meet up with my Family! FUN labor day weekend!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

When FOOD becomes your ENEMY

As a Counselor, I see many women each week. In the past few weeks the majority of my appointments have been women struggling with Food. It is a hard balance to find.
1. What food do I eat
2. Am I eating to little
3. Am I eating to much
4. Why do I have an emotional attachment to food
5. Why do I have a fear of food

How do you find balance in your relationship with food? These are the lessons I am learning as I listen to others and to my own personal struggle with this relatioship...

Food is to fuel our body... we need it! So if we need it, what do we eat.

Listen to your body! I encourage everyone to eat "real food" not "fake" processed food. Start a journal of what food makes you feel what way. This way you can learn what food is right for you and what your body doesnt handle as well.

Food should not be something to fill time, hurt, emotions.

Dont hate it! Because we need it!

Today... is a Hungry day for me... I can listen to my body and give it healthy food it needs or I can deprive it ending up moody, headachy, obsessing over food, and a number of other things....The best freedom is when you can not focus on food but focus on that God made our bodies to know when and what it needs... its a hard balance to find!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Happy Hump Day

I woke up this morning ready to go!!! I jumped out of bed to my alarm and went to the gym. I had a great work out, then came home to Hubs making a smoothie... that he so kindly shared with me! LOVE HIM!

I was slightly craving it on my drive home from the gym, but was meeting my Dad for breakfast an hour and half later... so the mini smoothie was great post work out, pre-breakfast snack! I truly believe God provides even little blessing like such!

Smoothie Consisted of...
Blueberry Yogurt
Protein Powder

For Breakfast... you guessed it! OATS!!! and STARBUCKS!!!

I have been dragging all day, early morning rise maybe.... What do you do when your dragging?

I am going to go on a walk before my last appointment of the day!

Then off to a friends for dinner... Hubs and I are cooking for them!

Steak (for the boys)
Chicken (for the girls)
Broccoli and Red Onion with Garlic EVOO from our Wedding
Take and Bake Multi grain Bread
Fruit Salad (Cantaloupe, Grapes, Peaches, Bananas)

It shall be FUN!!!!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


What does your "Life Pie" look like? How do you spend your time?

What ingredient are you missing? I encourage you to look at each day and evaluate your thought life...what are you thinking about, worrying about, stressing about? Are you missing something in your life or one thing overtaking your pie chart.

Make sure your ingredients are to appropriate scale... I try not to put my faith on the chart put actually surrond the entire pie with faith... its the crust that holds everything else together!

Tonight is Tuesday Funday! Yay! My hubs and I are going out with one of my BF's at 5 and her boy then off to family dinner a http://www.huhot.com/ HuHot is my Nephews Favorite!!! He loves his noodles and sauce!

In evaluating my own pie chart... I am asking myself a few questions...

1. Do I put to much thought towards food? Worry thoughts, not cooking thoughts
2. Are my work outs in check?
3. Is my faith the over arching ingredient to my life?

Monday, August 30, 2010


I have a song in my head... haha!

What do you think about Mondays? I generally dont like them... I do LOVE my job, but for some reason getting back into the swing of the work week is always hard for me. I tend to like the free flow of the weekends. Especially weekends like this past one... I got to do whatever I wanted! Great weekend filled with Fitness and Food!

Overall I had a healthy eating weekend (thats a first in a long time) the only exception was Saturday night. My husband I and went out for Restaurant Week. One week you can get a three course meal for $25 dollars at several different Reastaurants that participate. It was wonderful!

After a 3 1/2 hour dinner at Alba I had...


I ran an extra mile for that glass of wine (Balance is key)

Back to Monday Monday... this one hasnt been that bad! I started off with a great work out and a power breakfast

Work Out:
15 minute walk on treadmill
35 minute total body lift
Walk tonight with Hubs

I added a small protien smoothie with my usual Oats

1/3scoop Protien Powder

1/4C oats
tsp Cinamon
tsp Peanut Butter

Coffee with Skim Milk


was powered by bean soup and salad... still full!

Mondays??? What is your favorite day of the week? Mine is Thursdays because it means the next three days will be FUN (typically)

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Weston Anthony Stec

My nephew was born this morning at 8:09 am. He is beautiful and a healthy 8lbs 1oz. My little Sister, Annie, did a great job bringing her 2nd child into this world! We had a wonderful walk last night timing contraction at every 7 minutes... when they got to 4 her husband and her headed to the hospital.

This morning I was able to meet him right after he was born then my Niece Sienna and I celebrated with raisins, a new big sister T-shirt and her initiation into the BIG SISTER CLUB! I think it will be a tradition for us to have BSC time, with lots of yummies and treats as Sienna would say!

These Pictures are slightly blurry, it was taken with my phone. More Pictures to come soon!!!

My family always celebrates with food... how do you celebrate?

I will blog soon about the celebration food!!!!
This morning... breakfast... pretty much as usual with a few slight improvements... THANK YOU IOWA METHODIST HOSPITAL!
My dad and I planned our weekly Bfast for this morning... due to the excitement we deviated from HyVee and at ate the hospital with Sienna and my Mom joining!
I had Oatmeal (big surprise...) with:
1tsp raisins
1tbsp granola
1tsp flaxseed
The hospital had great toppings! Yummy and its almost 1pm and I am still full! Great Healthy foods!
I also had a side of fruit some skim milk and of course... COFFEE!
My work out this morning was cut short... change also due to the excitement of Weston!
40 min walk on the treadmill at varing inclines
Lunch break I am going to finish it.... Might sound crazy... but my jeans are feeling tight!
Tight Jeans... This can be a real downer, but we have the power to change it! So I am going to finish my work out! Not get down on myself and know weight is a up and down flow... as long as its not a grdual up its ok!
Also I generally have a rule not to WO over 1hr and 15 min/day... it can become an obbsession/addiction and then it can get out of control...remember
BALANCE is key!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Last night was food to my soul! I went out to eat with my girlfriends to a GREAT French Restaurant, Django. It was Fabulous!!! I had what I always get... Beet Salad. I love beets could eat them everyday! This particular beet entree was...

bed of field greens
topped with a TON of beets
sprinkling of goat cheese
and a wonderful vinaigrette on the side

It was Amazing!

The company was more than AMAZING... No matter how much I love my husband and family... their is nothing like an evening with girls. We already have another night planned! We have decided to tour restaurants in Des Moines

If you dont have ladies that you can enjoy fun with step out and make some! It could be a very hard task but I encourage you that it is well worth the effort. Here are some ideas on how to...

  1. Join a Bible Study
  2. Go to group exercise classes
  3. Ask one person to dinner and tell her to bring others
  4. host a party and invite anyone acquaintance you know

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Its a BEAUTIFUL morning here in Des Moines! Some might not think so, the air is cool and crisp and you can taste fall in the Air! If makes me happy and excited to wear jeans again!

Today I have some questions for you!

1. How do you grow in your faith?
2. What do you do when all you crave is the yummy LORD?

Today I am craving God time! So thats what I am going to feed myself with today!

On the Fitness/Food front! Well this morning what my regular morning breakfast!

1/4 cup Oatmeal
1/2 Banana
1/4 cup skim milk
1 generous tsp Cinnamon
1 tsp of Natural Nut butter!



I am going to try and lift upper body over lunch today! My knee has been bugging me so I am going to rest it!

Love Love

Monday, August 23, 2010

Its a Lifestyle

Question of the Day?

What do you think about Diets? Not just weightloss diets, but about... perhaps a financial diet... or really any major change you want to make in your life? My bestfriend (my husband) helped me see the "light bulb" last night. We were talking about diets and how I often feel like I need to change something or be more strict then feel like I am being too strict... the yo yo affect or what I referred to last week finding BALENCE!!! A hard thing! But if there is something that we want to change for the long hall... I decided to look at it as a Lifestyle... not a diet. When we look at a lifestyle... there are ups and downs, room for dessert, room for a new shirt, room for a splurge. Its not an all or nothing. I find with all or nothings, we restrict restrict restrict... then boom BINGE!!!!

So next question....

What do you want your LIFESTYLE to look like? Look at all INGREDIENTS OF LIFE!

1. Faith
2. Family
3. Friends
4. Fun
5. Fitness
6. Food
7. Finances

Friday, August 20, 2010


My husband and I are in the process of completely renovating a condo downtown Des Moines. In the mean time we are staying at a friends house about 25 minutes away from where we work. It has been a huge blessing to stay there rent free. During this time we are having to be extremely budget conscious... which to me sounds like NO FUN! But this is the really cool thing I have learned when completely surrendering and relying on God through this time.

1. I am not any less happy!
2. God Provides!

God has provided for Travis and I in so many different ways and is allowing us to create a home that we dream of! For example

1. We were given 2 free Iowa State Fair tickets ($10) each, $5 coupons for food to ISF, and free parking! That was a huge savings for us. The ISF is very expensive and it is a tradition of our to go with our family each year!
2. God doesn't stop providing the perfect coupons for groceries, allowing us to save a ton of money to put towards our home.
3. Travis and I LOVE LOVE LOVE to go out to eat, it is our primary source of entertainment. God has been so faithful to show us new fun cheap hole in the wall restaurants allowing us to spend about 10% of our normal dining experience. God also blessed us with many gift cards to our favorite local restaurants, allowing us to have date nights.

When your on a budget what do you do for fun?

One other wonderful budget friendly idea... REDBOX and cooking a fun meal at home!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Balance...thats the goal

Yesterday I said I would blog more on balance... it is always a hard skill to master! I own personal struggle with balance is between food fitness and fun, like I blogged yesterday. Well I have been on one extreme of obsessing WAY too much about what I would eating then I decided that I needed to not allow food to become such a focus! After all I feel if you are thinking more about something than about God then its too much! I seem to go in extremes right before I do find some balance.... for example I went to dinner with my Sisters and Mom lastnight for GIRLS NIGHT!!! It was a BLAST! But I ate so much I felt sick! So there you have it I went the other way.... Here is what I do after over indulging...

1. Dont feel guilty!
2. Exercise alittle longer the next day
3. Eat a good healthy next meal to get you back on track
4. DONT OBSESS over it or allow it to derail you!

With that said. How do we find balance and know that we are taking care of our bodies? We do need to be concious of what we eat and I believe we need to be physically and mentally fit. God calls us to take care of our temple (which is our body) I believe we can achieve this with out loosing out on Faith and Fun!

1. Fix your eyes on the Lord first
2. Set a goal of how God wants you to care for your body
3. Accountability... no matter what way you struggle. Eat too much, too little, exercise too much, too little.
4. Allow nothing to come between you and your relationship with the Lord

Lastly I have to tell you... schedule FUN!!!! Seriously it will destress you and help you stay balanced!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Worry Worry... Go AWAY!

I come from a long line of worry warts! Unfortanetly I recieved the gene! My ladest worry has been 2 things... 1. my BODY (food, fitness, fun) finding a balance...you know! I struggle with that balance daily. I always am working to put healthy whole foods in my mouth but sometimes because a little over obsessive about it... that usually follows the trend of obsessing over my work outs as well. This week I am trying to focus on the fun aspect of life and not worry so much... explain you might say....

Well I do want to be healthy but as my husband says "stop comparing yourself to perfect looking women on magazine covers" he is right its not practical! So I am going to try to focus on the fun and know that God is in control of my body as long as I continue to make wise choices... its finding the balance.... I am going to continue to pray and research on what balance should look like.

I know that we shouldnt be worry as much as I have been and we shouldnt allow anything to be a higher priority than God... Stay tune to more...

PS... the Fair was sooo fun last night. I forgot to take pictures :-( Sad Day!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Back on...

Hi Again....

It has been awhile... sorry to say! Life has been full of MAIN INGREDIENTS keeping me away. I got married to my bestfriend Travs in May! It was the most beautiful wedding filled with our favorite things... from food to friends and family. We ate and chatted till our hearts were content!

Since being married we have been in the process of building and designing our new condo downtown Des Moines! We are about 4 weeks out and couldnt be more excited about it! I recent design inspiration is taking an antique chair and making it modern! We bought the chair for $30 at an Estate Sale and found the fabric to recover it all this weekend! Now that is working on saving $$$. I am proud of myself for making it fun! Plus we have added value to the chair in the memories alone! It will surely be a Main Ingredient in our house!

On the FOOD front... we are going to the IOWA STATE FAIR tonight... cant wait to blog about all the food on a stick we consume tonight. I am debating if I want to eat before hand in order to not eat as much fried food while I am there... we will see...

Monday, April 5, 2010


HAPPY MONDAY to YA!!! Well I am not so sure its smart to start the week of with Finances, but there maybe some people that LOVE them! Today... my budget friendly serenipity is $1 coffee. Caribou Coffee says Mondays Happy so they bless us with cheaper coffee. I can justify not making my own on Mondays, plus its something to look forward to :)

Hope you all had a GREAT EASTER!!! He is RISEN! Yeh!

Thursday, April 1, 2010


FRIENDS FRIENDS FRIENDS... tonight its a mix of family and friends! Fun will sure to follow. All the boys are GONE! So we decided to have some Good Girl Family Fun! We are making PIZZA and having a early Easter Egg Hunt! I am CRAVING tofu and butternut squash and wondering what that would be like on pizza? Maybe forgo the tomato sauce add some olive oil, arugala, and GOAT cheese.

I think making your own pizza party really brings out personalities of people! It will be interesting to see what everyone comes up with! We are all SOOO different but yet we LOVE eachother and have lots of fun together! It works! That is a key MAIN INGREDIENT to friendships... you dont have to be the same person! This is not high school where everyone dresses the same and dies there hair to match! NOT FUN...its FAKE!!!! Friendship is authentic and real! The MAIN INGREDIENTS change and compliment eachother... just like my pizza ingredients... they are odd different and always changing... but the flavors oh the lovely flavors. They will compliment eachother nicely and I am craving them! Just like we all CRAVE FRIENDS!!! They are MAIN IGREDIENT OF LIFE

Monday, March 29, 2010


I think this will always be the title of my Financial Post...BLAH!!! It is probably my least favorite. But I have decided to embrace Finances after all its like embracing freedom. If we are free financially it opens up an entire world! We will live in peace know that we are spending and saving wisely. Some of my FAVORITE INGREDIENTS to buy when trying to save alittle and still provide a HEALTHY FLAVORFUL MEAL are...

Frozen Vegtables- Next to Fresh frozen keep there nutrional value the best
Canned Tomatos and Beans- Canned food is one of the cheapest things you can buy. Beans and Tomatos are about the only canned food I will buy though. All other canned food have WAY too many preservatives that just are NOT worth the savings to me.
Protien on Sale- I try to buy my meat when its on sale and FREEZE it! Bulk stores usually have great deals. I break up my chicken breast into packs of 4 so its easy to thaw out just what I need for the day.
Apples- Yummy crisp sweet and very fiborous! They are a great on the go snack! look for the sale apples... I just bought some for 99 cents/lbs. STEAL of a DEAL

You can make a pretty good meal with those. Tonight we are having Turky Spaghetti. One can of tomato sauce One can of stewed Vegtable some fresh mushrooms and onions and lots of good seasoning. Then threw in one pound of ground 97% lean turkey. :-) Yum! We will top it on some whole wheat noodles or tofu noodles. I will probably throw some frozen broccoli in the microwave for 5 quick minutes a ton of nutritional value!

See saving can be fun! :-)

Thursday, March 25, 2010

I have called you FRIENDS

Good Morning! Happy Thursday! The SUN is shinning! I have the perfect blogging companions this morning some of my FAVORITE INGREDIENTS... Coffee and Oatmeal! If you know me you my obsession with those two wonderful ingredients! I dont remember that last day I started with out them. I will share my thoughts on these Glorious INGREDIENTS tomorrow Food Friday! :)

Tonight is GIRLS NIGHT!!! FRIENDS!!! I love girls night its a chance to catch up, eat some yummy snacks or make dinner together! I will post some pictures later of our fun! I dont know if I can say it enough times if you dont feel like you have good friends to seek them out. This might be one of the biggest challenges you face! Here are my suggestions on how to SEEK FRIENDS!
1. Join a Bible Study
2. Ask a women that you enjoy to go to coffee
3. LISTEN (people love to talk about themselves)
4. PRAY (ask the LORD for friends)
5. Spend time in ONE location (weekly volunteering, coffee shop, gym class)

I know this may seem like a huge Mountain to climb. But it is well worth it!

John 15:15
"...I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you." (NIV)

Ladies friends will share truth with you, encourage you, and share what our WONDERFUL father has thaught them. Ask the LORD for these kinds of friends!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

First Post

I am sure you have watched or at least heard of Iron Chef. In my family it has become a running tradition to have a Iron chef competition on vacation. My Dad and my 9 year old nephew play the judges. This year we decided to have a theme. It was Soda fountain! A 9 year old dream, he got to taste all 7 different types of shakes. 7 different unique shakes created by 7 different unique individuals. All though we all had the same MAIN INGREDIENT they all turned out different because of what was added.

That is what this blog is about to learn how we can all have the same MAIN INGREDIENT but our outcome might be slightly different. This is the way God intended it to be. How boring if we all ate Vanilla shakes the rest of our lives. Same point being how boring it would be if we all looked, acted, and dressed the same.

Hopefully you will learn from these 7 MAIN INGREDIENT and add your own twist your own personality, likes and dislikes to them... because after all we can all have the same recipe and they all turn out slightly different (words of wisdom from my MAMA)