
UGHHH I am not good at this... for me finances are like putting salt in the birthday cake instead of sugar. But we have to keep this ingredient in check! Luckily I am marrying a finance guy that teaches me daily! He is very patient with me!

Here are my womanly financial tips...

  1. Clip Coupons for FOOD
  2. Shop Sales
  3. Create a Budget
  4. Use Cash for FUN
  5. Be Creative
  6. Shop Adds/Shop Smart! I dont stick to one grocery store... I go where the best deals are
  7. Buy in bulk what you eat a lot (Example ... Chicken: We buy lots and I freeze it) 
I am learning to really love saving money! There are tons of discount websites thay you can get great deals! Like $50 giftcard

Saving money is a challenge but its doable and I promise you can do it and still eat healthy!

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