Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Change of Plans

What started as an attempt to be the a wonderful wife... prepared, helpful, foodie, loving, and all that a wife should do to help her husband leave town free of stress...

Ended in a melt down on the kitchen floor at eight o'clock at night

Do you ever have plans like that goes this way? It seems that when I thaw meat out and want to cook a great meal for some reason plans change or when we plan to go out and end up staying in there is no food to be eaten.

Plans in my life are always changing and which sometimes makes me feel like I am failing and cant get anything right. My husband always explains I have higher expectations in my head then anyone else. This is true but the even more blaring truth is, plans change!

Luckily we have a never changing GOD Yaweh He is who He is and never changes!

I am sure Glad because the ingeredients to my life change daily. Whether its just dinner plans or much bigger plans!

Whatever your plan is give it up to the Lord the unchanging God and allow him to let it roll!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

National Love your Body Day

In Honor of National Love your Body Day www.loveyourbody.nowfoundation.org

Loving your body this day and age can be one of the most difficult things for a women to do. Why is it such a hard task? Great question! If I new the answer I would probably be making lots of money and I wouldnt have days that I look in the mirror thinking oh I wish I could change (fill in the blank) about myself!

I have learned that on those days we can do a few things to improve our image of ourself and to help us LOVE the Body we were given!

The first thing is ridding our minds of the lies we begin to believe about ourselves. Lies creep in day in and day out, as we compare ourselves to others and as Satan likes to place them in our heads. In order to kick out the lies and replace them with the Truth we have to know the truth!

Here are some truths I am certain of:

1. I are fearfully and wonderfully made in Christ image
2. I am uniquely made to be special and different from anyone else
3. I can identify a list of 5 things we like about myself and why? example: I have legs full of muscle to help me run... even if I want them smaller I can focus on the postive.
4. Fat is a feeling
5. The feeling of not liking my body, I have most likely felt before and it comes and goes. The truth is that my body is no different then yesterday.
6. I am a woman with hormones that play into all the lies, feelings, and fluxuations I have!

Take heart in the list of truths I have found and find your own truths... start by making a list of the things you do love about your body!

6. There are many people that love me and the way I look

Monday, October 11, 2010

Life without a faucet

Life without a kitchen sink faucet and dishwasher + no furniture = Crazy! To say the least!

Well that sums up my life right now. quite the challenge for a food loving, clean kitchen, budget contious person! So I find myself just trying to laugh about it and be creative.

Hubs and I could eat out for the next two weeks which would mean some damage on our budget and most likely our waste line!

Our solution is the bathroom sink and the refridgerator water! Dinner lastnight was a success! PTL we have a working oven and cook top!

So in the world of food... we ate pretty gourmet last night rosemary roasted chicken with mashed cauliflower and baked cinnamon apples! DELISH!!!

Since I am trying not to eat much meat... I subbed the chicken for some shredded wheat (OK, I now not as gourmet but deffinitly budget concious (got the entire box for 89c. THANK YOU target clarence)

Off to coffee with one of my besties! Kelli! Stay tuned for Hubs and I fitness challenge... it will be unrolled tomorrow!